Get a fully designed one-page Webflow website for $950.

Nebraska'sFastestWeb Designer

Design Should

Featured Project

Rivoli Theatre | Seward NE

I helped the family who owns the historic Rivoli Theatre in Seward redesign their website in celebration of the 45 years of ownership. The goal was to highlight the theatre's history and create a visually striking while also creating a clean user experience for customers looking for a showtime.

Visit Live SiteNebraska Webflow Design, Copywriting, and marketing strategy for small businesses.

Tech Stack

Design should be a transparent and inclusive process. Here's what I use to create.
Webflow is my favorite platform to use for building websites.

It gives incredible design freedom and the range to create some really innovative and engaging web experiences for clients who want that "wow" factor for their websites.
Penpot is a great design tool that's committed itself to not only working closely with their users, but to remain an open-source tool.

In a time where so many industry-standard design tools are adopting shady practices and ignoring their users, Penpot is a breath of fresh air.
Duda is my other favorite website building platform.

With the list of integrations and occasional use of AI added in, it's a great choice for smaller or service-based businesses that want to get their offer in front of customers.

The truth is that there's nothing wrong with "simple" design if that's what helps businesses serve their customers.
The design world is full of gatekeepers who will go out of their way to dump on anything that's unfamiliar or popular. I'm not one of those designers.

Canva is making design accessible and easier for business owners and designers and I'm a proud user.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

A one-page site starts at $750.

A simple 3-4 page site built starts at $2000.

Larger / more interactive websites starts at $3000.

Please note that these are estimates. Every client, business, and project is unique so get in touch and we'll put a custom plan together that suits your needs and your budget.

Are there ongoing costs?

I don't force my clients into monthly service agreements. Once your site goes live I will stay with you for about 30 days to make any tweaks or changes and to train you on how to run the site by yourself with customized training and how-to documents.

After that the ownership of the website will be transferred to you and if you ever need help, I'm just a message away. You're only ongoing costs will be with whatever platfrom we build your site on (normally about $20/month) and the cost of your domain name. No other costs.

The design industry has a problem with huge markups on 'website maintenance and hosting' that is borderline predatory. There are a few extra steps to owning your website outright, but in the long run you'll learn a new skill and save a ton of money.

Totally worth it.

However if an ongoing partnership is what you need, I can manage your website and content for you.  

That investment starts at $350 per month.

How does it work?

In our initial meetings I'll ask lot of questions to learn about your business / brand and then I'll take that information along with your goals for your website to start creating.

I'll communicate and get your feedback all throughout the design process so you'll be in the loop as your site is being created.

How fast do you build websites?

Once I have everything I need from you like logos, pictures, product info, etc- I'll have your site built and submitted to you for any revisions within 2 weeks.

Let's create something cool together.

Thank you! We'll be in touch shortly.

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